Sunday, November 8, 2009

Our 1st Anniversary!

Today was a wonderful day of 1st's!

Our first anniversary was very relaxing and a wonderful look back at our first year of marriage together! Last night we went on a sunset dinner cruise on the Sanibel Harbour Princess...coincidentally, we both figured out we loved each other on one in the Keys almost 4 years ago. Anyways, it was very nice to spend time together and enjoy a beautiful sunset from a boat...just like we did at our wedding! Today we relaxed by the pool at the hotel we stayed at last night. Then we headed out making a few stops along the way and just doing whatever we wanted! We stopped at Publix on the way home and picked up some dinner. We cooked together and then enjoyed the top tier of our wedding cake. BTW my mom REALLY knows how to keep something from getting freezer burned! That thing had about 74 layers of clear wrap around it inside a ziploc bag! It still tasted yummy though! It was so wonderful to just enjoy each other and not have anything to worry about.

Another 1st for today was that Gilbert felt Sadie move! He was so excited! He was talking to her and then she started moving and I told him to put his hand on, and everytime he started talking to her she would move. Very weird, but so exciting for him!

The final first is I FINALLY can see a bump! A picture says a thousand here you go!

I think it's pretty awesome! My husband and I are so happy with our first year of marriage, and can't wait for the many more years to come...and of course our baby girl Sadie!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Preparing the house!

We are growing a family, so that means we need to go big...they say bigger is better and in this furniture situation I HAVE to agree!!!

Last week we went to Rooms to Go and got our Dining room set and a new bed! Halle-Freakin-Luyah for a king size bed is all I have to say!!

Here are pics of the furniture!

Half Baked...

So Sadie is half way here! I think it's funny that she is half baked! Gil likes to say we have a bagel in the oven instead of a bun! He's silly...even more he insists that she is Jewban flavor...Jewish and Cuban! :)

Everything is moving along the way it should be. She measured perfectly at the ultrasound, everything is normal normal normal! My belly is starting to grow! When Gil went to take the pictures he asked me if I was pushing my tummy out and I said "no" and he got SOO excited!

I took my first Prenatal Yoga class today and Sadie LOVED it...well she was squirming around in there while I was supposed to be meditating...very difficult to meditate with a little one having a party inside of you!

So here are the half way pictures! The first is a super close up...really shows the roundness of my belly! The other 2 are the regular weekly ones, but the side view definitely shows some growth! YAY!

Monday, November 2, 2009

The answer...received!


Her name is Sadie James Suarez! We are in love with her even more so now that we know she is a her/she than before! We are so excited!

We found out on 10/27/09...our ultrasound appointment was so fun! Below are some pics from the ultrasound! There aren't any pictures showing that Sadie's a girl...because since she's a girl there isn't anything to see! LOL

You can see her Spine and side Profile

She's looking at her mommy and daddy and waving at us!!

I was 19 1/2 weeks along in this ultrasound. My due date is still right around March 18-22, 2010! Sadie weighed in at 10.5 oz! She is just soo precious! Coming soon are my middle of the road pics! Sadie is half-baked...YIKES!!!