Sunday, April 25, 2010

The long awaited birth story

Let’s set the scene…It’s March 18th, Sadie’s due date. I am doing EVERYTHING I can to get her out of me. I did yard work, I did the deed, I cleaned the house, I went for a walk…EVERYTHING. Well, March 18th came and went with no such luck! Then it’s 5am on March 19th. Gil has to go to work about 9am, but I am up tracking contractions. From 5am to 9am they are about 10 minutes apart. I called my mom about 7:45 and told her about the progression and she FREAKED! She asked me why I didn’t call her earlier and did she have enough time to take a shower. It was probably the funniest conversation I had ever had! Gil went to work and my mom showed up about 10:30. By 11am the contractions had slowed down and were becoming very erratic. Gil was quite upset because he just wanted to be home with me and have an excuse to leave work! Mid Afternoon Heather came over and hung out with us. For Dinner I was DETERMINED to get the contractions going again! I had hot wings! They were SOOO yummy and SOOO spicy! Gil got home from work about 10pm or so. We went to sleep about 11:30pm with contractions still coming very sporadically. Well, that sleep didn’t last very long!
Next thing I know it’s 2am on March 20th and OMG was I just kicked in my stomach?!?! The contractions were MUCH stronger than they were on the 19th. I tried to stay in bed and just relax. That lasted for a little while. I was able to doze off between them, but by 4am the contractions were about 6-7 minutes apart and I was up and taking a bath and walking around the bedroom and breathing and showering and figuring out what felt best to get through the contractions. I figured out I did NOT like laying down at all…it KILLED to get through the contractions like that. I was much more comfortable to let Sadie hang away from me while I was standing up and leaning over.
By 8am everyone was up (except my brother…but he’s never up that early), and we were getting stuff together to head to the hospital. We arrived at the hospital about 8:30am to find out we had to wait in the waiting room because another women didn’t make it into the hospital before she had her baby…she just had the baby right there in the driveway! So they had to finish up with her before they could take me to triage.
I was taken into triage about 10 minutes later, they checked me, told me my bag of water was bulging (just about ready to break…little do they know!) and I was 5cm Dilated! They were proud of me for laboring so well at home! I was brought in to my room about 9:30am. I was ready to get in and have a baby already! It was definitely not happening that quickly.
The labor progressed really well, but my water never broke. My Doctor, who came to deliver Sadie on his day off…I LOVE HIM…came about 3:30 and checked me and told me my water still hadn’t broken and that he was going to break it, but the contractions were going to get quite a bit stronger. BOY WAS HE RIGHT! Funny how doctors know so much! Well, he broke my water and I totally felt like someone threw a bucket of warm water on me! It was kind of a yucky feeling, but as soon as he broke it I was stuck in the bed and the contractions were like a ton of bricks being thrown at me! I did not want to lay down through the contractions, but I had to and I really had an urge to poop…like 15 times during the day!! The contractions were about every minute and a half apart. One time I told the nurse I had to go poop, I figured since they were a minute and a half apart I could make it from the bed to the bathroom to sit on the toilet…YEAH RIGHT! By the time I had gotten up and made it to the bathroom I felt a contraction coming. I didn’t know whether I should lay down on the floor or sit down on the toilet or stand or anything, so I braced myself! I grabbed on to Gil’s shirt with one hand and his arm with the other. He later told me he never knew I was that strong…must have squeezed his arm really hard.
By about 4:30 or so, I was shaking the bed, telling Gil he needed to brush his teeth (he ate onions for lunch), telling him I was never going to ever have another baby EVER again, talking to Sadie and telling her to get out of her momma and SCREAMING my head off... one scream was so loud the ENTIRE FLOOR heard me. The last hour of contractions was quite painful. I didn’t want any meds until that point, but by then it was too late! I was flying solo. The nurse, who was soooo awesome, told me if I took anything it would be going straight to the baby. That scared me so I just dealt with it.
By 5:15pm I was REALLY ready to push. Sadie was so low, but I wasn’t fully dilated, so they just wanted me to bare down A LITTLE BIT. That was probably the hardest thing to do. I didn’t care too much at that point, I just wanted her OUT! Dr. Kamerman came in about 5:30…I WAS SOOOO THANKFUL! Gil said he saw such relief in my face and I told the Dr he had to get her out! Gil was so impressed at how calm Dr. Kamerman was. I think it’s funny because the doctor does this ALL the time…of course he’s gonna be calm!
After a few good rounds of pushing Sadie James Suarez was born at 5:57pm on March 20th weight 6lbs 10oz and measuring at 19inches long. She was the most beautiful little baby I had ever seen! You really never know how much you can love something so much so fast until you’ve had a baby. All the pain and suffering was SOOO worth it once she was in my arms!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A long list of updates...

There are a TON of updates because I haven't updated in SOO LONG! I’m gonna do it by dates and sequence of events with LOTS of pictures:

February 15: I am 35 weeks at that point! Here is the pic!
February 20: My baby shower in Ft. Lauderdale was AMAZING! I had a ton of fun and got lots of great stuff to finish up Sadie’s nursery! This is me and My Best Friends Bevy and Heather (thank you for planning a FANTASTIC day for me and Gil...and Sadie!)

After the shower, my niece took my maternity pictures. I’ve gotten some and I think she did a pretty good job! She got some good ones! I can’t wait to see the rest of them! There are some risque pics that I won't post, but here are some of my faves so far!

February 23: Dr’s appt and we got an ultrasound…Sadie is still a girl. They estimated her to be about 5lbs 13oz at that point and said she’ll be about 7 pounds or so at birth…we shall see soon! Below is the 36 week picture! March 1: I am 37 weeks! I can not believe it! Sadie's nursery is COMPLETELY done...I think! We added some pretty accents and set up everything and filled her closet. She has such a girly room! Now she just needs to come out and see the room! Here are pics of me at 37 weeks and Sadie's Nursery...well the accents of it!March 8: I am 38 weeks and I have less than a week left of work! HOLY MOLY! Where has the time gone?
March 10, Gil took his truck to get it checked out, cause the check engine light came on…well come to find out the head gasket was blown! Good reason for it to be driving so terribly and just being sucky! They said it would be $2700 to fix the head gasket or $4300 to replace the entire engine. We’ve had the truck (from his parents originally) for 3 years now. It’s served us well, but I have been trying to talk him in to getting a new “baby-friendly” car that gets better gas mileage

March 11: My last day of work until I am done with maternity leave! I am SOO excited to just be relaxing at this point. I had a lot going on at work and I just needed the time off to relax and prepare for my little girl's arrival! They will be fine and I will be GREAT just sitting at home this week!

March 12: My mom’s 55th birthday in Ft. Lauderdale was AWESOME. We were wondering if I was going to make it over there or if I was going to go in to labor while I was there or something like that! The weather SUCKED so we didn’t really get to do much of anything, but just hang out, which we haven't done in FOREVER, so that was really nice. March 14: Gil and I went car shopping…We went to the Nissan dealership where we got my car last year. We knew we didn’t want a brand new car, so we looked at the used cars. Gil wanted an Altima, but I REALLY wanted a Maxima! The altimas they had there weren’t the best, but they had a Silver 07 Maxima with just under 30,000 miles…IT WAS A PERFECT MATCH FOR US!!! I totally talked them down like $4000, AND they gave us $2000 for Gil’s truck! It was FREAKIN AWESOME!! So we have a baby-friendly car now and Gil absolutely LOVES his new car! Also, at the dealership they have a spin and win promotion when you buy a car…so we got to spin a big wheel and we ended up winning a cruise for 2 to the Bahamas!

March 17th (Today Happy St. Patty's Day): We had our final Doctor's Appointment. Everything went great. Sadie is still just holding tight in there. I guess we won't have the luck of the Irish this time around! The Dr checked me and I am 1cm dilated and 25% effaced and my cervix is soft...all things to move in the right direction! That was NOT very comfortable and has led to some spotting throughout the day...YUCK! I have been having quite a few contractions on a daily basis, but today was most of all...I think I've had 6 or 7. At the appt we gave Sadie her "eviction notice." If she doesn't come out by herself we will induce on the evening of March 23rd with a Birthday of hopefully March 24th. Finally, over the weekend we have to go and do a None-stress-test because at this point Sadie (according to the Dr's date) is overdue as of tomorrow. He just wants to make sure everything is good in there and no harm will be done to let her stay through the beginning of next week if she so chooses to!
Besides all that excitement I am just trying to finish up getting things organized around here. I have cleaned the house, washed the clothes, the bags are packed, and all we need now is SADIE!! I want her to be here now, but don’t want to rush her. I can not wait to meet my little girl! I also can not believe that this could be my last update as a pregnant woman and the next one could be as a mommy...OMG!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

We are ALMOST there

That statement holds true for many things! We are ALMOST there to having our baby! I can not believe I am almost 35 weeks...the pic below is 34 weeks! I just keep growing and growing and Sadie just keeps moving and moving more and more everyday! I can definitely tell she is in the same position but just readjusting herself for comfort. She is also belly is not nearly as high as it used to be, and I can feel her pushing on my lower abdomen A LOT more!

My only complaint right now is that my sleep is being broken up about 2 times a night by my bathroom breaks!! I guess this is just preperation for breastfeeing when Sadie comes. Everything else is AWESOME.

We had a doctor's appt on Friday. Sadie's heartbeat was very strong. The doctor said my belly was measuring a little small...he said he only told me this and said this so we can do another ultrasound. We will go to the Doctor on the 23rd and I will be just over 36 weeks and we will get to see Sadie for the last time in utero...after that we will see her beautiful face and little fingers and little toes in our arms!
We are also almost there with the nursery! Sadie has an ALMOST full closet...
And an ALMOST fully decorated nursery...

Basically all we have left to do is put some things on the wall....finish filling the closet...and organizing additional blankets and clothes and other little goodies!! So exciting!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Nursery Progress

So today we had a special and unexpected delivery from UPS. Sadie's bedding arrived...4 days earlier than they said! So, Gil was very excited and we matched the paint and now Sadie has a purple nursery!!!! She has doors on her closet!!! Gil was just so busy today! I love the color and can't wait to put the border up around the top and put the blinds and valances up. Then we can do the furniture and everything! SO FREAKIN EXCITED!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Bump Pics

So Karrey gave Sadie a cute nickname...the Beach Bump! I love it! I haven't posted pics in a bit, but they are below! Sadie and I are growing SOOO much and SOOO fast! I can't believe we will have our little girl in 7 weeks or so! That is just absolutely amazing to me!
31 weeks32 weeks
33 weeks

We are definitely growing! I also know this because Sadie is losing space in there and I can feel her stretching! It is very odd. There are times where she just karate kicks me, but there are times where she is stretching in 2 different directions at the same time! She loves to eat...just like her mommy and daddy! She gets very excited right after I eat! It's so cool! I had mexican for dinner last night and I swear she transformed into a mexican jumping bean when I finished! It was so funny!

Sadie's room is coming along as you see in the post below, but we have ordered the bedding set and can't wait for it to arrive! The set comes with a comforter, bumper, blanket, bed skirt, fitted sheet, and decorative pillow. So PERFECT! Once we receive the set we can color match the purple for the paint, then we just paint, put the furniture together, wash her clothes, organize and accesorize a bit and we will be all ready for baby girl! Here is a picture of Sadie's Bedding set! Not beachy like we originally planned, but super cute and perfect for our baby! It will be just precious!

I just can NOT believe we only have 7 weeks left! It is just sooo crazy to me! Our second shower (first one was on January 24th) will be on February 20th and then my niece (who's 18th Birthday is that day) is going to do our maternity pictures! So much exciting stuff happening and just so little time to blog about it!

I will update more...even though this was a LONG update...again soon. I will post pics from the 1st shower, hopefully before we have the 2nd shower, and I will keep updating about the Nursery progress! P.S. The Doctor says Sadie is awesome and healthy which is a great plus as well!! We have another appointment next week and then should be getting another ultrasound at 36 weeks...then we will be just 4 weeks out...HOLY CRAP!!!!!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Nursery progress

So Gil has been hard at work on Sadie's Nursery! He's made some great progress! We have ALL of her furniture, we are just waiting for the bed set to arrive to match the paint to paint the room and then we can get everything in and get REALLY set up for her!

It's amazing how time is just flying by and there is so much being done! It is soo awesome!
Orange Room...YUCK!!Primer Room...MUCH BETTER!!Pretty closet! Almost ready to fill it, but we gotta hang the doors first!

I am so proud of my hubby! He is just doing awesome in the nursery for our little Sadie girl!!

Friday, January 29, 2010


I have quite a few updates to give...but I am just quite tired and don't feel like it. Maybe over the weekend I will!

For now I just work and sleep! I eat a bit too! Gotta nurture my little girl!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Less than 10 weeks to go!

Here's the 30 week picture...Sadie must be growing a ton in there, because I am really growing from the outside!! The update says she is about 15.7" long from head to heal and like 3 pounds or so. I stil feel great...doing prenatal yoga is awesome! I've been working a lot so the tiredness is starting to catch up with me every so often...but then I sleep and I am good to go.

Sadie moves around a TON! Sometimes it gets a little painful...not sure if she doesn't have as much space as she would like, or if she thinks she has more than she does...whatever it is...OUCH! She also gets the hiccups about once a day. Gil thinks it is SOOO funny when she has them...I just feel bad for our little girl!

Our Dr's appt was fun on Thursday. Sadie's heartbeat is nice and strong! We also asked about cord blood banking and what our Dr. thought about it...he recommends it if it is financially doable. We are weighing our options!

Thursday was a VERY busy day for us! We went to Babies R Us and finished up our registry... we even got to park in the "stork parking" spaces!!! See Below :)

While we were there we added a bunch of stuff and we also bought Sadie's furniture! SOOO excited! We should be able to pick it up in 7-14 days. That should be just enough time to get the room painted and all ready to go! Look for a nursery update soon! Don't want to overload all at once! All in all everything is fabulous and moving in the right direction!!