I also have some updated pictures! These holidays have been really crazy and really busy, so I haven't been posting pics! I have been taking them, so here they are!

27 Weeks
For the holidays we all had a great day! Sadie got some cute outfits and she bought a cute outfit to wear just for her daddy! See......
For Christmas day we went over to Ft. Lauderdale and saw my Step-dad and Step bro and his family. We had breakfast and Sadie REALLY liked french toast. Then we went to a family friend's house, the Conforti's. They knew me when my mom was pregnant with me about the same as Sadie now! Amazing how time flies! 25 years and still doing Christmas together! We had a really fun and tiresome day, but it was awesome!
I am happy the holidays are almost over. I will have much more time to get everything together and really prepare for Sadie's arrival! Can't wait to actually meet our little girl!