We have decided to pain the walls in the Nursery a light purple and we are looking for a bedding set and decor for the room. We like beachy stuff, but we want her to have a girly beachy room, so we shall see how it ends up!
After we were at Babies R Us I decided to go online and start a registry...I think I put like 5 things on there, but nothing major or anything that will DEFINITELY stick. I know I am getting quite a few things from my best friend Bevy...she's giving me a stroller and car seat set AKA a travel system, as well as a bassinet, clothes, a diaper disposal, bath tub, boppy, and some other stuff. I feel SOOO blessed! AND I have already received a vibrating swing from one of my mom's friends. I can't believe how much stuff is coming, but how much more there is to get for our little girl!
On another note... My belly is getting big. More and more everyday Sadie is moving around in there and growing and everyone keeps telling me I'm getting big...If I'm getting big now how the heck am I gonna look in 3 more months? I will post belly pics soon!
Congrats Carli! Beautiful crib!