Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A doctor's appointment about answers...

Today was soo exciting! I got some answers to questions I've been wondering about and some things I really wasn't wondering about, but now know!

Q: Do I have a lot of gas or is the baby moving around and that's what I feel?
A: My baby is punching me! All 5 1/2 inches and 7 or so ounces of it!

Q: What is my blood type?
A: O+

Q: Do I have any STDs?
A: No

Q: Have I been drinking alcohol or taking drugs?
A: Nope

Q: Do I have the cystic fibrosis gene?
A: No

Q: Should I get the Flu and Swine Flu Vaccines
A: Yes...ASAP!

Probably there were a bunch more answered, but the one that I've decided I want to know is AM I HAVING A BOY OR A GIRL?!?! Well, that answer was not given today, even though we were greatly teased by being put in the room with the ultrasound machine. The doctor did have me schedule an appointment for this coming Tuesday with the U/S tech and we will find out the sex! I am soo excited! I know I have quite a few people waiting to know, one especially being my hubby! SOON MY FRIENDS...I may even have a video of the baby...the Dr. told me to bring a CD-R to the next appointment.

We did hear the heartbeat, it was about 140, and Gil got so very excited...he later decides to tell me he will probably pass out at the next appt when we find out the sex...GREAT! I know he'll be fine, but he is so emotional sometimes. I love it! I can't wait to have our own little one!

I think that's all for now. If I think of something I'll let you know! I am happy for my answers and look forward to the answer to the BIG question!!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh! One more week I can't wait for you!! Is that when they are doing the full anatomy scan? I didn't know it was possible to get a video?! I am sooooo asking if I can get one of mine now. LOL Oh, and my doc absolutely recommended both flu shots as well. Kinda nervous about it but its for the best.
